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- Relive these iconic holiday moments from ‘The Real Housewives’
- Broncos team president pays $4M for Observatory Park home
- mitt romney's new hampshire getaway
- US election: Obama and Romney enter last hours of campaign - video
- Denver-area property managers acted as “price-fixing cartel” to keep rents elevated, class-action lawsuit alleges
"No one is here to prove whose star shines brightest." One copy of Romney's book, No Apologies, sits on a store shelf, but Baker says she would never dare ask him to come in and sign it for sale, and infringe on his privacy. -- Autumn is in the air in New Hampshire, which means the political rhetoric is also here, even in the tucked-away reaches of this tiny lakeside town where Mitt Romney has a summer home. A lot of the other stuff I don’t pay attention to,” said Alison Jenkerson, 19, who was working in a consignment shop. Here in Milford, residents and business people are divided or indecisive about the candidates. Some of his strongest New Hampshire backers want to see a Romney who is unplugged this time. Beverly Bruce, a Romney supporter in Carroll County and the vice chairman of the county’s Republican committee, arranged for him be the keynote speaker at the committee’s Lincoln Day event in March.
The senator also said she does not believe Romney will be hurt by his videotaped comments that described 47 percent of Americans as “victims” who believe they are entitled to government assistance. But in a scenario being repeated in swing states around the country, Romney finds himself trailing President Obama in recent New Hampshire polls as precious days vanish from the campaign calendar. Those were the days of lofty promises made by a hopeful candidate. Today, we are faced with the disappointing record of a failed President. The last three years have held a lot of change, but they haven't offered much hope."
Relive these iconic holiday moments from ‘The Real Housewives’
Romney’s home was no exception; the 9,514-square-foot home sold in 2009 for a little under the $5.25 million asking price. With a 5,400-square-foot main house and additional guest house, the estate is worth an estimated $10 million. Home to the Romney crew – children and grandchildren – each summer, some wonder if the GOP candidate’s familiarity with the state helped him clinch the New Hampshire primary. While much of Romney’s assets comes from his tenure at Bain & Company and investment firm Bain Capital, the presidential contender grew up in relative wealth as the son of American Motor Corporation CEO and former Michigan governor George W. Romney.
A view of the main house on Mitt Romney's property in Wolfeboro, N.H. Despite the fact that he's a Democrat, Paul Jenne, a Massachusetts native who owns a small store in town called Flags Over Winnipesaukee, said he wouldn't mind the White House effect on Wolfeboro. "It's fine with me the better business is," he said, taking an entrepreneurial attitude that Romney might appreciate. Town residents have only kind things to say about the Romneys, but that doesn't necessarily mean they want them in the White House.
Broncos team president pays $4M for Observatory Park home
I don’t begrudge Edwards nor do I have angst towards Edwards…I said I just wrinkle my nose a little bit. I begrudge nobody that makes money legally, no matter how much they amass. I do however wrinkly my nose a bit when you tell me you are “common folk” and then get a $1400 haircut. In 2012 the GOP is still going to be trying to recover their brand identity and may very well be facing more bruising interparty fighting. It’s a lot more likely the Dems will take Texas than that the GOP will take Cali .
-- Autumn is in the air in New Hampshire, which means the political rhetoric isalso here, even in the tucked-away reaches of this tiny lakeside town where Mitt Romney has asummer home. Senator Romney voted in favor of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, the government funding bill, which includes measures he fought for this Congress to benefit Utah. The bill includes the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Advancement Act, support for hospitals throughout the state, and funding for essential services like roads and law enforcement in Utah’s rural counties.
mitt romney's new hampshire getaway
"We remember when Barack Obama came to New Hampshire four years ago. He promised to bring people together. He promised to change the broken system in Washington. He promised to improve our nation. "Thank you, New Hampshire! Tonight, we made history!" he told the crowd. - Mitt Romney didn't waste any time delivering his victory remarks in New Hampshire Tuesday night.
As it stands, there are around 6,000 residents in Wolfeboro year round, but that number skyrockets to more than 20,000, by many estimates, during the summer. As it stands, there are about 6,000 residents in Wolfeboro year-round, but that number skyrockets to more than 20,000, by many estimates, during the summer.
Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire GOP Presidential Primary
In August 2011, Romney filed an application with the city to bulldoze the single-story beachfront home and replace it with a larger, two-story home. Situated on 2.44 acres and within 25 minute drive from downtown Boston, the 6,434-square-foot Colonial was an ideal home base for Romney, his wife Ann and their five sons for 20 years. Anthony Ciani, a La Jolla, California, architect and former neighbor of Romney at the time, told The Post that his issue was mostly concerning public use of the beach. Black News Hour presented by The Boston Globe Run by Black journalists at The Boston Globe, “Black News Hour,” a new radio program, delivers reliable news that connects with our community and expands on deeper issues impacting our city.

It's a stunning getaway destination that, in this election year, comes with a bit of a burden. The businessman, and former Governor of Massachusetts, owns this home. He is also a former candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2008 United States presidential election. Staying incognito is important to the Romneys here, and the locals seem to respect that.
Killion is working as a top New Hampshire strategist for Pawlenty. Uncertainty about Romney’s beliefs — sometimes reflected in disdain for the man — was at the heart of his 2008 New Hampshire defeat, say several New Hampshire Republicans once close to him. Some of them complain that the candidate failed to stay on his jobs-and-economy message and squandered his greatest strength in the process. Iowa became the first of two devastating blows to the Romney candidacy. After spending millions in the state and building what he thought was an insurmountable lead, he watched dejectedly as former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee caught fire late and rode a wave of evangelical support to victory. The second blow came five days later in New Hampshire, where McCain had scored an upset over George W. Bush in 2000.

"They're really justpart of the crowd when they're here," she says. She and her husband spotted the Romneys atbandstand summer concerts and the local hardware store. The main house — a 5,400-square-foot contemporary — has six bedrooms. A 2,700-square-foot boathouse sits on the 760 feet of lake frontage. Its 2,600-square-foot stable has been converted into a guest house. While I understand the sentiment, I think you are forgetting that with time, the worm turns.
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